
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2018

The final post

Hi classmates, today I'm going to writing my last post. We are in the final part of the semester... sincerely English is very difficult for me, I was nervous when made the tests or exams of English in my school haha bad memories :(  I think that my favorite post was the post number two "something you feel passionate about", number five "an artist" and number eight "a photo or drawing". I liked it the second post because I like it talk about my favorite soccer team, Universidad de Chile. I liked it the fifth post because I like so much listen to music, punctually listen to the Argentine rock, due to in this post I talked about to an artist as Luis A. Spinetta. Ultimately, the eighth post because I like so much the beach and punctually this that localized near my house on the beach.    The theme most bored was the fourth post, about to a building that I like it ... I'm not study architecture or design, was a difficult post for me due to I

A christmas you remember

Hi everyone!! Hoping that are well and that you had a good Christmas, today I'm going to talk about a Christmas that I remember.  Sincerely, the first Christmas that remember was approximate since 16-17 years, when "Santa Claus" (my dad haha) gave me the PlayStation One. I was very happy because I could play some games such as the Hot Wheels, Winning Eleven, Fifa, Crash CTR, Mortal Kombat, among others. Remember that the first days I invited my friends or my cousins to play. I was very competitive, hated losing and when I lost not invited my friends haha, I chased them out of my house hahaha... often I losing in the games :(. The first game that I played was the Hot Wheels with my dad and he won me haha, in almost every the games I losing with my dad and always is he bothering me haha, I remember that he calling me from his job for bother.  Also, since I had the PlayStation One, I started me like it the games of football and racing. I remember the thanks to Wi

A country that I like it... Argentina

Hello classmates! Hoping that are very well, In this occasion, I'm going to talk about to a country that I like it... Argentina Since the approximately the four or five years I started to like Argentina. I remember that for my birthday n°5 I ordered one biggest Atlas of Chile and the world... since my infancy, I liked the geography haha. While I had been studying the regions of Chile, I called my attention to the neighbor country of Chile, mentioned country is Argentina.  When Argentina began to called me attention, the mentioned country were in one social and economic crisis. I met strange that a country as Argentina was being in one crisis, due to that I met to Argentina as one most developed country in comparison to a great part of the rest of South America.  The first that I called me my attention was his football. I met that the Argentineans were very passionates. Remember to the team of Boca Juniors of Bianchi, with players as Palermo, Riquelme, Serna, the Colomb

The free post | My organization (...)

Hello everyone!! Hoping that you are well!! In this occasion, I going to talk about to my organization, punctually of the method how I do my activities. Sincerely, although I am in my second year in Geography (most the others two years of my stay in the career of Forestry Engineering), still I don't know elaborate a good schedule job; I think that is for my procrastination, I let often everything for later, I think always that "tomorrow" will be the day that I will make all my activities... I am a visionary (I am being sarcastic). Actually, I feel that I am lacking be most motivated, or rather most sure of the I be doing. In these two months I have been doing swimming, sincerely I very like it the swimming, also, I think that is necessary to add any sports to my daily life. Is one duel for battle versus my sedentary life. In these moments I have been in the second level of the swimming school of the university (DEGEN - Universidad de Chile) I feel very happy becaus

A Sport (or something you do to keep fit)

Hi classmates! Hoping that is well, today I will talk about to of one of the sports most fascinating of all, the swimming. The swimming is one of the activities that I made since the last week of September; approximately I have been eight weeks in swimming. I go to the university pool, localized in Cal y Canto station. Is the more oldest pool of the Universidad de Chile, was opening in 1929. The pool still endures his infrastructure.  From that, I have been going to the pool, I go between one to three times in the week. When I have been in test periods, I go only one time, but when a major temporal availability, I go three times to the pool. I like it go to the pool because of the swimming maintain me happy and active, also I think the realization of any sports is beneficial for all.  Sincerely, I have a problem of that think that I can be the best of my level (recently I been in the first level, although lately, I am swimming between the one and two levels), but I should b