A job

Hi everyone, Good Friday! Last day of the week ha-ha

In this blog, I will talk about to a job that I will like to do. My first jobs were associated with fast food outlets, was in 2012 when I worked in McDonald’s during the summer of the mentioned year.
Now, in occasion I work of soccer assistant referee in one amateur league in Pudahuel, I can say that I like it the job because I like it the soccer, so can consider this job as a good hobby. I think that I would like to follow in mentioned heading.

Obviously, I would really like to work in something related with my career, punctually related to areas of the investigation of the climatology, for example in one consultant’s office. I would make jobs about to climate change, linked to, as for example, the persistence of the different vegetal species facing a scene of climate change, with the objective to create conservations programs for species in danger extinction.

Once, in the subject of biogeography, I elaborated one presentation about the distribution of the vegetal species (Scientific name: “Fitzroya cupressoides”, common name: Alerce). Therefore, following that work, I can know about the different characteristics climatological, geomorphological, pedological, relationships with others species, among others. I think that the principal’s qualities or characteristics that I should have suitable knowledge for elaborate anything work or investigation associated with climate changes in general. In addition, I should have one good organization with my jobs, create a good schedule.

a specimen of  Alerce

I should be good at this type of job because be very interesting for will want to learn about the changing climate. The academic that represent as my inspiration is the Dr. Pablo Sarricolea, my teacher of the subjects of global climatology and local climatology.   

Pd: pedology (in Spanish is “Edafología) is the study of soils


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